The Political Issue
Vol. 4 Issue 2

Chapel Ave. in the Rain
by Gregory Pardlo

I tell you, the music makes
Everything get it on. The heavy
Sign outside my window for
The jazz bar down below seems
To gather and tug against itself,
Sounding like the hemp and cleat
Drumwork of a reluctant mooring,
Contending with anchor bolts
To unword the weight
Of no certain offense. A seeming woman's
Aeolian moan under the pitch
And sway of air (as if to mimic
The trumpet's melodic contralto
As it inclines toward the root) makes
Me worry someone's in pain.
Tonight, Leaves release an undulating sigh,
Walking bass lines lines mount
Liquored progressions, the weather
Uncovers a taste of rhythm
And blues, such wind, so many
Changes condemn buildings. I'll
Admit it. I'm aroused by the
Precision of her staccato O.