The Humanitarian Issue
Vol 4. Issue 1

An Autumn Day - John Faszcycz
Bestiality - Francis Drawz
Dessert - Bruce Kramer
The Firing Squad - Amy Sciarretto
The Garden - Emily Wilkinson
Lymeric - Matthew W. Weatherbee
Lymeric - Matthew W. Weatherbee
Oops - Francis Drawz
Poverty- Matt Digby
The Sensitive Guy Syndrome - Amy Sciarretto
Writing Poetry But Not The Poet - Bruce Kramer

The Commerce Of Men - Gregory Pardlo
Washroom Damnation - John Faszczyk

The American Nightmare (or Going Postal) - Tony Chuckles
America the Luxurious - Charles Bakerson
Hello, She must be going - Anthony Simeone
Is It Really Help? - Matthew W. Weatherbee

Bitch & Moan- On the Homeless
Iconoclast Humanitarian Rally - Matthew W. Weatherbee
Letter to the Editor - Andrea Chirsman
Simply Rubbish Redeux - Just Some Guy